Mensenrechten acties

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In de recente publieke verklaring (17 juni 2011) stelt Amnesty International dat het met de mensenrechtensituatie in Wit-Rusland nog nooit zo slecht is geweest (“unprecedented”). 13 van de meer dan 40 leden van de oppositie die gevangen zitten zijn inmiddels als gewetensgevangene erkend:

Bron: Amnesty International

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`Geef onze mannen terug`. Dat is de leus van Varta, een organisatie van jonge vrouwen uit Letland. Op Solidarity Day (16 juni) demonstreerden zij – voor de eerste keer – om aandacht te vragen voor de schending van de mensenrechten in Wit-Rusland.

Bron: charter97

The campaign is a mutual effort of organization Belarusian Tribunal which aims at getting a greater attention to the problem of human rights violations in Belarus and Civil Initiative We Remember which affiliates family members of victims of involuntary disappearances in Belarus.

The campaign is an act of solidarity with political prisoners of Belarus, those who are whether already sentenced to or are threatened with long terms of imprisonment for political reasons, and with their families.

Every deputy of the European Parliament received an information folder with the actual data on the accused and sentenced on the 19 December criminal case, a postcard, produced by Belarusian artist Lera Krasovskaya and an envelope. Deputies will send the postcards to Belarusian political prisoners and/or their families. The action is moderated by former Foreign Minister of Estonia Kristiina Ojuland.

Bron: We Remember

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