Vakbondsleidster Maria Aliyeva steunt Sannikov

Volgens Maria Aliyeva worden mensen met een pensioen volledig aan hun lot overgelaten. Het huidige regime verdeelt de maatschappij in “onze mensen” en “vijanden”.

Bron: Charter97

“Andrei Sannikov has visited a conference of Minsk city branch of the Belarusian Social Democratic party (Hramada). Everyone saw that he is an intelligent man, who has a good program. No matter what they say, we have enough bright people in the country, and they deserve to be a president. I am set to support Sannikov. I want changes, a turn for the better. I think that he will find a possibility to find understanding with everyone: inside the country, in the West and in the East. He is a diplomat, do not forget that.

I hope that in the new Belarus the society won’t be divided into “our guys” and “not our guys” any more, as it happens now, when Lukashenka calls the opposition “enemies of the nation”. We want peacefulness, material security, social defense. And not the situation like today, when pensioners live like beggars, having no idea how to support themselves. People have been working for all their lives, and they have a pension of 500,000 Br in the best case, and some have even 280,000… I know all that very well, as I am a pensioner myself.”