“Uitstel” van de reactie van Wit-Rusland op de klacht van Irina Krasovskaya

Als gevolg van “problemen met de vertaling in het Russisch” is de officiele reactie van de Wit-Russische autoriteiten op de klacht, die de familie van de ontvoerde Anatol Krasovski bij de de VN heeft ingediend,  voor onbepaalde tijd uitgesteld.

Op 16 november 2008 is bij de VN Commissie voor de Rechten van de Mens een aangifte gedaan door de echtgenote en dochter van de ontvoerde Anatol Krasovski, Irina and Valeriya Krasovskaya, tegen de de staat Wit-Rusland.

Bron: www.charter97.org

As the press-service of the civil initiative “We Remember” informs, the mission of Belarus to the UN in its turn sent a demand to the Committee on Human Rights to give the text of the suit and accompanied documents in Russian (initially the document was prepared in English). The work on translation of the text has been finished not long ago. Thus, Belarus receives additional time for preparing an answer to the complainants.

As it was informed earlier, the final date for Belarus’ response is May 16, 2009. However considering new circumstances the final date is postponed indefinitely.

As we have informed, the suit of the family of Krasouski had been prepared by a lawyer office from the Netherlands. It consists of 100 articles, 25 documents are attached to it, with the total length of more than 1,000 pages. Iryna and Valeryja call upon the state of Belarus to interrogate those suspected in implication in the forcible abduction of Anatol Krasouski, named by the special memorandum of the member of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe Christos Pourgourides; to comply with numerous requests of the family of Anatol Krasouski and the world community and carry out a careful and open investigation of Anatol Krasouski’s disappearance; to identify and name the place of his burial; to compensate moral and material damages to the victims of the forcible abduction of Anatol Krasouski.

September 16 this year marks the 10th anniversary of the forcible abduction of the businessmen and public leader Anatol Krasouski and his friend, a well-known political Viktar Hanchar.

A number of high ranking Belarusian officials, in particular, the former secretary of state Viktar Sheiman, a and commander of special troops Dzmitry Paulichenka, a former minister of internal affaires Yury Sivakou and the present minister of internal affairs Uladzimir Navumau, are suspected of being involved in this abduction, as well as in the abductions of the former interior minister Yury Zakharanka and a journalist Zmitser Zavadski.